Saturday, January 26, 2008

Making Laundry Soap

In my adventures to becoming more trifty I came upon recipes to make your own cleaners. These reipes included Laundry soap. So I finally bought the needed and hard to find Fels Naptha Soap and Washing soda and set to work. About an hour later we had finshed now all we need to do is let it sit for 24 hrs and then put it in containers.

Here is the recipe I followed

3 Pints water

1/3 Bar Fels Naptha Soap, grated(smaller is better in this case)

1/2 cup Washing Soda

1/2 cup Borax

2 Gallon Bucket

1 Quart Hot Water

Hot water

Mix Fels Naptha Soap in a saucepan with 3 pints of waterm and heat on low until dissolved. Stir
in Washing Soda and Borax. Stir until thickened, and remove from heat. Add 1 Quart Hot water to bucket. Add soap mixture, and mix well. Fill bucket with hot water, and mix well. Set aside for24 hrs or until mixture thickens. Use 1/2 cup of mixture per load.

I also worked out the cost of this, phew all this frugal stuff is getting to me. Here are the cost of the items and then broken down to how much it cost per recipe.

Fels Naptha $1.25 + $0.65(shipping) ; Recipe $0.41, $0.63 includes shipping

Washing Soda $2.99 ; Recipe $0.20

Borax $4.99; Recipe $0.28

I couldnt find the Fels Naptha Soap except online at Soaps gone buy. I will continue looking for better resources to alll these products although at this price per recipe who can complain.

Giving me a total cost of $0.89 per recipe or $1.11 including shipping. I also calculated that each recipe will yeild 64 loads at the recommended 1/2 cup per load. You do the math. You just cant beat the price. If I'm correct it works out to 1-2 pennies per load. Wow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I've chosen you for the Excellent Blog Award. If you'd like to participate, check out my January 29th post: