Saturday, February 2, 2008


Colin does and art project where he learns to weave. He really enjoyed this activity. Colin really likes art and does retain alot of the information. He loves using the word " texture" when applied to art or cooking. It's so cute.

Our cat, Turtle really likes this project too. I think Colin had an even better time when his buddy came to help him with the string.

This picture is so cute and had me laughing so hard. It's actually the main reason for posting all this. Colin asks at this point " So mom why do girls like doing this so much? and "How do you get the string in that small hole?" Should I get out my cross stitch stuff and let him try putting the string in those teeny holes??(snicker, I love being evil)

" Yeah, I finally got it." He absolutley insisted on doing this himself. It was a proud moment on his part and mine. Way to go Colin.

During the weaving we discussed looms and indian art( that was what the lessson was based on)we even checked out some looms online....who knows his b-day is coming up (in april).

1 comment:

Ganeida said...

Cool cat, cool project. I love seeing the bots struggle with *girly* things. Puts things in a different perspective! :D