Friday, April 4, 2008

A great day

I must admit since moving here last summer it has been hard on me and the kids. There isnt a park near they can walk to to play. They havent made enormous friends. And we just haven't learned what fun thing there are to do.

Today though we met with some homeschoolers from our local group. I must admit I was scared senseless. The first time meeting someone jitters and as you guys know conner has had a year of bad behavior to others that is starting to stretch on longer than I care for it to. So with much talking about behavior towards others, manners and the unfortunate long list of "things not to say" that unfortunatly didn't cover everything we went to meet up. (Kids say the darndest things don't they, I just wish mine would say less of them or just at better times.)

Boy am I glad I did. The kids hit it off. I watched Conner's movements for any behavior that was unneccasary and it didnt happen. I was so happy. I remember not so long ago, he made another child cry . This is another story that I havent shared , yet. I felt horrible about his behavior and so upset for the kids he treated so unkindly.

The boys were timid at first, then found some common ground and started chatting .They walked on in front of us. The other mom and I had alot in common too, again very nice. It was such a nice time I was sad and startled to see 2 hrs had passed-time to go. The boys aparently enjoyed it too. I asked them their opinion on the outing and the company and it was a green light. I know not everyone will get along in life or sometimes you meet someone and you just click, but I am giving one big sigh of relief.

I went home feeling elated that my boys did well and liked the other children. I hope this is the start of us finally settling in. I told the boys I was proud of their behavior. I emphasized this to Conner. I hope this is a breakthrough for him so he sees that how he should behave towards others and how that can turn out quite nice.


Damama T said...

Great news! On all fronts. ;o)

Brandi said...

I'm glad you all had such a great day!

Just a thought: Could Conner's behavior be linked to the move or something related to the move?

Mrs. Darling said...

I have decided to get involved with a homeschool group this coming fall. We really need something like that. Glad it went so well for you.

Kathy_in_Colorado said...

Awwww.... is this my family you are talking about? I didn't see a reference to us meeting at the zoo (?)