Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's day

My sister and I took my mom to Denver (boy I go there alot) for Mother's Day. They had a Chocolate Festival at the Denver Merchandise Mart. 30,000 square ft filled with chocolate. Well it wasn't all chocolate there was Wine tasting and some jewlery and other stuff. All in all though it was really fun.

We took Mom out to lunch at the Golden European Resteraunt where we talked all through lunch about how we could make the food better at home. It was good and we had some German food that we hadn't had in forever so I am probably going to go even further into my roots to learn more German Cooking and Baking.

Some cakes. Sign said "Do not touch" a lady said I thought that was meant for the kids. We liked that idea especially as my mom had already touched.

This was just plain cute. They had RX pads for their "chocolate pills" and t- shirts with really cute sayings about chocolate on them.

Wily Wonka, camera was at wrong setting so it came out a bit blurry. The kids all loved him.

Very fun stuff. WE also planned next yr as well. We are going on a brunch train ride through the rockies. I can't wait, I am starting to save for that one now it's expensive.


1 comment:

Gina said...

Hi Vanessa!
You won my contest for 2 Yes, I'm Homeschooled t-shirts from the Homeschool Boutique!
Please email me with the sizes and colors you desire!