Friday, July 11, 2008

Friends everywhere

Ok I know this isn't necessarily homeschool related but I just had to share. Besides I could make it hs related by doing a unit on friends and friendship. Hmm that's not such a bad idea.


We went to the pool a couple of days ago and it just so happens I found one that had a great slide attached and so instead of going to the pool I usually went to we went there. I brought my latest book, I am so wrapped up in it but that is a whole nother post. I am sunning and intermittently dipping in the pool since it is in the high 90's, it' hot.

Conner comes up to me and says "hey mom I just saw Jeannie and her brother". Huh who are you talking about and then in the back of my mind I can only think of one Jeannie and her brother,although why they remembered her name and not his is still puzzling. So I say "you mean Matthew and Jeannie?? and he says yeah. At this point I'm thinking it has been at least a yr since we saw them, we are at the pool he must be seeing kids that look like them.

To make a very long story short I got up went in the pool to investigate further and sure enough here are some dear friends we haven't seen in at least a yr. There are few people in the world that just touch you and you want to remain friends, this is one such lady. Anja is an incredible person, she is so giving and creative. We would come over and I would feel so welcome and she would have baked something, she was forever baking, and her kids would be making some sort of craft. She made me want to bake and be more creative and do great things with my kids. I felt inspired from her on so many different levels. Anja opened a daycare and well we lost touch a bit and then I moved 45 min south and we just never managed to reclaim that wonderful friendship.

I was so surprised to see her and we caught up on everything. It was just amazing. What was a frustrating morning turned into a fantastic afternoon and I realized something. I miss this. I miss hanging out with my girlfriends and chatting. It is the best stress release I have found to date.

I gave her my new number and we promised to get together and well I intend on keeping that promise.

Also this week I was invited to go to meet up with some hs'ers for park day about 30 min. west of us by my dear new friend Kathy. Kathy again is one of those people that just never ceases to amaze me. She finds these cool places to go visit and makes friends wherever she goes. Of course she has one of those great personalities that well most people adore. It's fun to watch her in action too. We went to a place together and she starts talking to a person that works there the next thing I know is we get a free cd. Umm why does this not happen to me?? Of course hanging out with kathy it has been happening to me much more. You think there is a correlation? Nah (big grin). Her boys are just great and my boys and hers get along and it just makes me all so blissfully happy. She also has this great blog with just the best lesson plans, really check it out on the sidebar-it is what it is. Great music too.

We end up at this park way where I never would have thought there was a park and all the ladies are just so sweet. I had just such a fabulous time. The kids had a great time although they didn't make new friends they had the option since there were kids their age there. A guy from the local paper came up and asked permission to take photo's of the kids, all the mom's said great. Of course my boys decided to be camera shy. I got to talking to this one mom about a sourdough starter. I've been wanting to do one but am scared to. She made it sound so easy that I think I'll give it a shot. If it works I'll be sure to share pictures of the bread I make with it.

1 comment:

Mrs. Darling said...

Oh I wish I had a pool like that! And how neat that you met friends there. Thats so much fun!