Wednesday, August 6, 2008

How did this happen?

Conner about a yr old. Isn't he the cutest?

It's official I am the mom of three pre-teen boys. Until December when my oldest actually turns 13 and will be a teenager. How did this happen? I feel like I blinked and the time just went through my fingers like water. I can't wait to see what the next yrs bring but loath the day that they will no longer be my babies but out there in the world on their own, I wish them the best. Ok enough melodramatics and all about me syndrome.

My baby boy turned 10 today, 3:30 in the morning to be precise.

Happy Birthday Conner

Conner and a baby chicken

Yes aother with his chicken

Conner nervously on a plane, the first he remember. A small one at that. He did well and they flew over our house.

Conner with his Best Friend

At the sand dunes my sweet little boy comes back for me. Sigh!

Conner and yes turtle again. they take very good pictures don't you think.


Kathy_in_Colorado said...

Happy Birthday Conner!

Here is a penguin game for you to play

Veggie Tales on YouTube:

Kathy_in_Colorado said...

tell Conner to look at my blog