Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tuesday Review

I am joining Angela for Tuesday Review.

Ever have problems with the tedious task of getting your kids to learn their multiplication facts? Well I found a product that works and works fast. Times tales is fantastic. We got this last yr and in one afternoon my kids knew their 6-9 facts. It is ingenious. There are the numbers and they make cute stories and pictures to go with them. There are flashcards that help the kids remember their facts and even a test of sorts. I will say that the kids may need a refresher occasionally but that is okay because every cent spent on this product is worth it. Instead of hours and hours of just repeating facts we spent one afternoon. Really just one and they had it. I honestly wasn't sure about it at first but it worked. It uses mnemonics's to help kids learn their facts.

I see now that they added the 3's & 4's to their product and it is a bit more expensive. I purchased it for about $15.00, if I remember correctly. It is now $30.00 ($29.99 but really who wouldn't say $30.00??). You also get the division portion of the program which helps you memorize same facts in division form. We didn't do this but I still have the program and I think we need to review anyway so I may throw that in there. At any rate anyone teaching their kids their multiplication facts will have their life made much easier and fun by this product.


Anonymous said...

Great Review Vanessa. Can you bring that book to the coop sometimes so I can look at it? Would you recommend it for pre-teens?

Vanessa said...

Austin (12 yrs 8 months) thought it was very kidish. But it works. Their new one is supposed to be a bit more "grown up" so I hope that means that pre-teens will do it.
the thing I did was count it as a lesson in math. That helped out. You are spending a good amount of time on it but then they are done with it.