Saturday, January 3, 2009


Oh boy Austin is 13.
Happy Birthday.

We have let the kids decide activities and meals on their special day for years now. They love this as they get to pick all their fav's. I let Austin have his two best buds spend a couple of nights. He wanted to go ice skating so we did, two days in a row. He requested his favorite treat of brownies from Grandmy( his great grandmother) and fried rice from his Grandma. He had pizza for dinner and a great big chocolate cake I made for him. He had gotten a PSP 3000 from his grandparents and us for his birthday gift and he got it early on Christmas, another request. Anyway this meant he wasn't getting much in the way of gifts from us since we had already chipped in for this but I did get him the Left Behind teen series. Not all of them mind you but about 10 I think. I loved the Adult versions so I hope he will enjoy them as well.

How the time goes so fast. I can't beleive that Austin is already 13. That means that I can count on one hand the amount of years I have left for Austin to be at home. He has grown so much and I hope that I am doing everything I can to instill those good values. I also hope that I will be able to enjoy some of this time that I have left. Teenage years are not exactly a great time so pray for me .
Anyway here are a few shots of my not so little anymore Boy on his Birthday

Austin on the ice

Austin between his two best buds and Conner and Colin

Austin's Chocolate overload cake

Everyone is ready to be wacky and for cake

Honestly it wasn't my idea. Austins friends wanted a cake eating contest without utensils. It was a hit although very messy.



Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your handsome guy! I am really wanting a piece of that cake!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Austin! I want to see a earlier pic of him. Love the birthday cake contest - too fun!

Look for an email from me on getting together soon.

On my way to in-laws for wine - he's getting ready to head out of town and needs to talk with his favorite daughter-in-law or as he says "daughter"

The cake look dee-lish!

Damama T said...

Happy Birthday, Austin. Remember that your mother is still the smartest woman you will ever know and that no matter what you think or what your friends say, SHE IS ALWAYS RIGHT!

(Just trying to help ya out a little, Mom! LOL!)


Anonymous said...

Wow 13, Happy birthday to your guy.


Vanessa said...

Thanks everyone.