My boys tested two weeks ago to get their Yellow belts in Karate. Monday they found out they all passed the test and now have earned their yellow belts. You should have seen their faces it was great but of course one glimpse of my camera gets the ole' eye roll so unfortunately I did not capture the moment. I did manage to get a couple shots of them trading in their white belts for their new belts.
They have been going for almost a year now and have worked hard at learning. I actually count this for some schooling as it serves for P.E. and Foreign Language (Japanese). Occasionally Sensai throws in some history about Karate as well.
The kids managed to talk me into trying a science experiment involving a microwave and grapes. Yup I am a mom of BOYS. Lol. Apparently if you cut a grape in half and put it in the microwave they spark at each other. We found that they only did this once or twice so if you missed it you need new grapes. A whole grape will "scream" during microwaving. This one is sort of creepy if you want to make it creepy but really all that is happening is the air is making that noise due to the heat the grape is experiencing. This is very similar to a marshmallow experiment they did last week. That was quite fun . They put marshmallows in the microwave and the marshmallow expands. We added food coloring and it doesn't expand where the food coloring was. It was neat to see what we could do with the marshmallow.
Marshmallows Before
Marshmallows with food coloring, notice that all the parts with food coloring is sort of dented inwards and the parts without food coloring still grew.
Love the pics of them from behind! The huge heart marshmallows are on clearance at Safeway right now. I have some grapes - we'll have to try that experiment. I've heard of this but forgot about it so thanks for the reminder - that would be fun to try.
The boys used to do martial arts and I really believe they were learning a lot with the educational aspect of it - they don't want to do it anymore, sadly - but I believe besides exercise and a form of art, they learned how to tackle bullying by instilling discipline and respect, how to calm down and focus their minds on the tasks ahead, helps them to channel their energies and to concentrate, how to control their anger and become motivated, cooperation (the secret handshake), strength-training and stretching in body and mind, segmentation, physics, nutrition, strengthening muscles and so on.......
and as far as state standards - the student demonstrates competent skills in a variety of physical activities, competency in physical fitness, demonstrates the knowledge of factors important to participation in physical activity
I could go on and on and I agree they also learn about the religion and culture of the country
Congrats to your boys! My boys would love that marshmallew experiment for sure!
What a neat experiment!
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OOOH thanks Kristenph
I will do that for sure
Thanks for stopping by.
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