Wednesday, May 6, 2009

what didn't work

This year has been, well not my best in the homeschool department. I don't mean your usual "I'm not doing enough" type stuff, although I do tend to have that . I'm talking about I have really let alot slide by. Let's see yesterday the boys got done with "school" by lunch, well a while before. I looked at the clock and we went through what they had done. Math, check, Literature, check, writting, check, grammer, check. We alternate days for history and science and that day was science. They hadn't done that so they wanted to watch the Magic school bus. Well that's all fine and dandy but in order for me to feel like we did science I would love a little hard proof. So I found the lessons for that particular episode and printed out 13 pages for them each. We still got done with time to spare for lunch. Then I wallowed in the whole I should be doing more. What can I do? I finally hit on that I do need a good plan.

As with history that had been floundering for a good portion of the year once I had a plan in mind, I had a direction. But science has been a bit more whatever the kids feel like doing for science works for me. Now that has lead to some wonderful projects and neat studies such as the time they made rock candy. Unfortunatly none of it tied in with anything else. I really like when our subjects touch on each other. A good example is when we were reading "Daniel Boone" and studying Native Americans. They were great companions. I need a good plan otherwise I know this will happen again. I would love to get books that we can read that relate to our history or science projects that do.

Do I then get a Science text ? or what? I really feel like I wouldn't have floundered so much had I had a text to fall back on in the event I hadn't been prepared due to our life getting in the way. Then I feel that perhaps I am using that as a crutch to fall on when saying I haven't done enought this year. Kwim? Half the year the boys went to co-op every other friday that would involve 3 science classes that were about an hour long. I really didn't worry about science then because we still did what we normally do plus that. I almost felt like I had no need to concern myself with science. Then the other half the year we just do random things that interest the kids.

Over the past year I have been mulling over getting Apologia Science. I have heard good things about it. Now to figure out which one I want. I know they generally go in an order of some sort. I would like to use them with all three kids. They will be in 6th, 7th and 8th next year. So which one will fit? They love creatures so it would have to be one of those. I am leaning towards the land mammals one. I think they would enjoy it. Should I get three of the same book? That seems a bit nuts too, and expensive. But I definetly can see that there could be fighting over it at some point if there is only one. If I buy three why not buy different ones. That way I have three years of Science, I'll just switch them around. I would like them to work a bit more independently and if I do three I have an inkling that won't happen. But if I have one they can help each other out which will be great for critical thinking. There are pro's and con's to having one or three. Overall I think mabey one for the two younger kids and one for the eldest may work best.

I truly have enjoyed the reading portion of our school time. It is the only time no one is fussing. Honestly I wonder if other homeschoolers have all these squabbles. Oh that is a whole nother post. Anywho I know the kids really enjoy this time as well and they are listening to books that otherwise I know they would probably not read. We will continue checking off our list till it's done. Then I will need a new list. Since the reading of "Daniel Boone" worked out so well at the time I think I will try to get some books that relate to other areas of our hs'ing. This way I can tie things in together. Of course this will require me to get my ducks in a row and get a plan.

What are some things that worked for your homeschool this year? What did you find did just not fit within your school year? I would love to see your responses.


Mrs. Darling said...

Ya know, I got so used to Tink not liking to read or hear someone read that I carried that over to Peter. I am discovering though that Peter loves being read to and now Im just not getting it done. I really want to commit to this more. There is nothing like time spent reading together.

Im looking into Teaching textbooks for Tink next year too. Id love to see how she does learning like that.

I have a sister with 10 boys. She homeschooled all of them and never taught science. Now two of them are married, a bunch of them are teenagers and they are all whizzes at Science. When they got old enough to be interested in Science they just learned on their own through life experiences and from reading books. I dont think you need to worry about it really.

I love reading your homeschooling posts.

randi said...

Hey there! I was so happy to see you at the movies the other night. Surprisingly I really liked Star Trek! While we were choosing what to see I asked my hubs if we could avoid it, but it turned out to be the only one worth seeing. I was pleasantly surprised!

We use Apologia and love it! The swimming creatures one has been our fave so far. This summer I want to do the botany one. If you want to borrow one of mine, just let me know. You only need one book for all 3 boys.

PS--I really hope to see you at the park on Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit to your blog, and I was drawn from the blurb at Mrs. Darling's. ~smile~ This has not been our best year, either. I used to stick to our schedule VERY well, but the last year what came easily before has not, and I don't quite know why. I am excited for the summer though, because for some reason we always get our very BEST schooling done in the summer.... (((((HUGS))))) sandi

kathy said...

Hey stranger! We are back for a few days so I thought I'd drop in and see what you guys have been up to. Right now, I have been researching essay writing and composition a lot for next year. Brenden needs to work in this area more. Alex loves reading - he reads so much and such large books that I don't worry about him.

I've been spending time at the bookstores and libraries in Denver researching. I also went to a few teacher nights at the teacher stores and asked lots of questions. I'm thinking of joining a group that meets once a month in Lakewood - it's a group of teachers who help you figure out how to help your boys read better and write better. I talked to the coordinator of the group and he says I should definitely come and pose my questions to the group. He says they would also like to know what works for us, especially how did I get my 11 year old to love reading. (laughing)

I've been hiking a lot in Beulah since I got back - the weather has been fabulous there. How is your hubby doing? Back at work and going strong, I hope? :)

Take care!