Saturday, April 25, 2009


Boy I can't believe I haven't written anything since the beginning of the month. Two weeks ago hubs had a toe amputated so that is my reason for being absent. Things are better now and again we have adjusted.

We finally finished our Native American unit. Yeah. We just started New World Explorers with the program "History through the ages" by Time Travelers. Let me just say it's is looking to be a very nice study. We are currently going through what it means to be a sailor. The boys will be learning some knots sailor's used. I think they will enjoy this. I hope they do.

On the science front one of our tadpoles died and we got another one. It was a bit sad but what could we do.We watch them and are waiting for their little legs to sprout but nothing has happened so far. Colin found a great site that went through the process of metamorphosis. That day we learned alot about what frogs eat, where they live, and other neat facts about frogs. I haven't managed to get started on the lapbook on frogs but I am sure glad that I already have it. When I am ready it will be there.

Both Colin and Conner finished their Math books for the year. I ended up getting them new because I was only going to save roughly $20 at most by getting used versions .I am glad I did. I have always just gotten the used versions so I have never given them the tests because I didn't have them. I can see how the tests will be very useful. There alot that just cover basic facts so the kids know them well and wont get bogged down with doing simple math and can focus on the problem they are learning. I let Conner try Teaching Textbooks and put him in 5th grade book. Now I know he should have gotten the 6th grade one since that is what he will be in next school year. I felt that all the work done this year to eliminate some of his math anxiety has really worked and he seems much more relaxed in this particular area now. I don't want to go back to the way it was. We will continue working through the summer so he will be done with the book before the year ends. It has only been about a week since he started his new book and just the other day he got done with math and he said "Mom, I'm good at math now see how fast I got done?". We graded it and he so far is doing a fantastic job only missing one or two out of about 25. I love the new attitude and it reassures me in knowing I picked the right book. We have never used this curriculum so I will give you a better review of it in about a month or so time. That way I too know if it is still working and what I like and dislike.

We just finished the second book in "The Chronicles of Narnia". The Lion , Witch and Wardrobe. We managed to get a cd version from Focus on the family and it was so fun to just sit around and listen to the story. Even though the boys watched the movie it was great to show how different a movie can be from the book. I had told the boys this with other books turned to movies and they didn't get it. They sure got it with this one. Probably because they liked the movie and payed attention. As has been the case of late, Austin whom voices his dislike of hs somehow manages to be in the room when I am reading to the boys. I read the last chapter as opposed to listen to the cd, it just seemed nice. This time was a bit different as he wasn't floating around the room pretending to be busy and just listening for the time being. He actually sat down with us and looked at the pictures when they came up. He even joined in the discussion of the book vs the movie and such. It is moments like this that make me firmly believe he doesn't mind hs as much as he tells everyone but just wants to go to ps so he can goof off with friends. It is with this in mind that he will stay another year and then we will re-evaluate. The boys are also moving along great in their grammar. We do need to write some papers as we haven't done all that much writing but Colin is getting good practice with his hs'ed pen pal. I am still on the hunt for pen pals with the other two kids.

We are finishing up with CBS and Awana in short time and have already signed up for the following year in which CBS will be covering Revelations. So we are going from the beginning -Genesis to the end. The boys have made many friends and have enjoyed the studies. I am considering vacation bible school for during the summer. Its still up in the air as it is a commitment and we want to go camping a bit during the summer. What to do what to do?

The boys are also doing a unit study of sorts. We are planning a trip to South Carolina (yes we just went there this past summer) for the family reunion. We have never gone and dh also has never gone. Since he is home (healing from surgery) I thought why not. We are working out all the details in that department. The boys will plan our route , our stops, figure out how much gas we will need and how much it will cost. I am also going to find some fun activities for the states we will be going through. I have unit studies for all the states but I don't think it will be much fun to do them all in the car. I will pick and choose for sure. I know the boys are very excited to go to the beach and see some family. I hope to update as we go so when I get home I can scrapbook it all.

Well got to run the house work beckons.
Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Just because

I fell in love with this and if you haven't seen or hear this then how big is that rock you are hiding under anyway??? enjoy