Monday, June 9, 2008

Beatiful Southern Colorado

Colorado has numerous diverse places to visit to keep you busy for some time. One of those places is the Sand Dunes in the southwest part of colorado. We camped out there this past weekend to see the dunes, check out the gator farm and visit Zapata Falls.
My mom came with my niece and Austin's friend Josh came along with us. Kathy and her boys came out too along with a few hs'ing families from all over colorado. We had a spectacular time and I'll take a cue from my friend kathy and share the pictures now and work on the wonderful curriculum later (thanks Kathy).
We are getting ready to leave on the 11th for 2 weeks vacation. I don't think I will be able to work on this till I get back, we will see. I wish I did because I have so many ideas of where this could go but as we are leaving tomorrow I have no time.


1 comment:

Kathy_in_Colorado said...

Hi V,
The pictures are not showing on your blog so I went to your photobucket and really enjoyed your notes on the pics. You have a fun sense of humor. One of my favorite pics (there were several, but one of them especially) was the view of the dunes from the falls. I would enlarge that, frame it and hang it. You did a great job and you really need to scrapbook. Your kids will love your take on things when they are older. Or even just add your pics to a book from walmart, online - they are pretty cheap. I've seen these books and they're very nice.

Thanks for sharing and can't wait to see what you have when you return from your vacation.