Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Gardening and 4-H

We have had some fun with our jiffy pots and our little seedlings are rapidly growing out of them. Dh made one of those low to the ground covers to give my seedlings that extra care till we are sure the last frost has come. Believe me when I say Colorado weather is well interesting so this was definitely needed so I could give our plants a head start.
We planted all sorts of veges. Lets see

cucumber( English and pickling)
lettuce (two types)
among others, this is what I remember off the top of my head. I wish I could take pictures but alas my camera had an accident and the lens looks like it will need replacing or fixing(whatever I can get cheaper). Real bummer too, brand new camera-Rebel XT digital SLR.
Anyway I hope to get our babies into the ground before the week is up but the weather looks like it will be turning for the worse so I'm not sure. Maybe it would be prudent to wait a few more days and put them out in nice weather. They will already be in shock in the change so I want to give them the best possible start.

For 4-H we finally attended our first meeting. It was interesting. As the club is small and just getting started I'm sure it was run differently then a club that has alot of member and been around for a while. I like the club and the kids seem to as well even if they were shy. We also attended an Meat assurance quality clinic. This was boring to tears although the 3 videos they showed were good and they got the point across. Then the speaker reiterated the same thing for the next 30 or so minutes but believe me we felt like it was an hour. All the kids in there were practically sleeping and laying down by the end of it. We got the necessary stuff and I learned alot even if my kids didn't so I can answer questions along the way.

There is another meeting this coming Sunday. The poultry clinic, my dh is taking the boys this time-fine by me (quiet time, hmm what to do)

I wish I could take pics of the chickens and ducks they have grown so much and the chickens practically have all their feathers. The ducks are as big if not bigger then the chickens but are just now getting feathers. They seem friendlier, I know that sounds crazy but I swear it. They are positively the messiest animals I have encountered. We change them twice a day. It is time consuming.

We are building a chicken coop and it should be ready soon. Then it will be on to the ducks. I've been told that you can house them together. I'm not sure I'm still reading up on it.
Hopefully I can get my camera fixed and share the pics with you.



Damama T said...

I bet the critters are getting big by now. It's a good thing you already have them or it sounds like that 4-H lecture would have totally turned you off of joining! ;o)

I keep a disposable camera around when my digital (old and hated when it comes to action shots!) won't do. Then when I have the films developed I have them make me a CD with the pictures on it. Works GREAT! Not to time-efficient, but at least the stuff I don't want to miss is on film somewhere.

Vanessa said...

Dh fixed the lens. WE thought we had to get a new one so he figured why not try to see if he could fix it and he did. I'm over the moon about it especially since he did it in time for this weekend.
We had a full weekend and I took too many pics.
I too put my stuff on cd. I want to get all my pics on cd and put them in our safe. That way if anything happens to my albums I still have the pictures.

Vanessa said...

Dh fixed the lens. WE thought we had to get a new one so he figured why not try to see if he could fix it and he did. I'm over the moon about it especially since he did it in time for this weekend.
We had a full weekend and I took too many pics.
I too put my stuff on cd. I want to get all my pics on cd and put them in our safe. That way if anything happens to my albums I still have the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Ok Girl, the next time you go to the museum, how about givin a sisa a holla so we can come with you. I think it would be fun to get together.