Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Chef extrodinaire

My boys have been trying to have a "cookoff" for some time now. I have invited anyone who would like to participate to do so. I did want to videotape these sesssions to give it a sort of "cooking show" feel. Well I forgot to do this last night but I did manage a couple of pictures of what Colin did before we at it all.

Colin wanted to make eggs benedict. I knew that the egg was poached and there was some type of sauce on top but that was the extent of my knowledge of eggs benedict. Colin said
Mom we learned three things today.
What's that son?
We learned how to poach an egg, how to make hollindaise sauce and how to make eggs benedict.
Why yes we did Colin(I look at dh with a very proud grin of how astute my son is)
The things we decided was that the english muffin would be better toasted. The egg should cooked a few minutes longer. Colin now has a new favorite breakfast and he didn't think it was all that hard. Dh said he would just fry the egg because it was easier. I pointed out that it was healthier this way.
It is amazing at how long i have gone without poaching an egg. I have never done this and here my 11 yr old son has that belt already under him. I am really proud of him for trying out a new recipe. He truly is in his element in the kitchen. Austin is supposed to make dinner for us tonight. I think it is breakfast burritos in the microwave. Yes I said microwave and yes I think that is wierd but hey it's all good. Oh yeah the pictures, here they are. And to anyone wanting to "cook off" with us just have your child cook a breakfast item of their choice, you may help out I did. Then put your link into the comments. I would do mister linky but I don't exactly know how yet. I hope to be able to do this next time. Sure hope you guys join us.

Hollandaise sauce. I made it because there seemed to be alot going on in the kitchen and I didn't want Colin to get frustrated. I wanted it to be fun. Besides now I know how to make it. Is it just me or does it look like pudding?
Eggs benedict by Chef Colin.



Unknown said...

Can I borrow your son to make breakfast? Seriously....but I like my eggs scrambled. I'd really like to taste some of that sauce. I'll exchange teaching him how to bake bread K?

randi said...

I think you have a future chef on your hands! He really has a talent for his age. Does he give lessons? ;)

Vanessa said...

Funnily enough he has a personal recipe for his scrambled eggs that he is pretty proud of. He has thrown all sorts of stuff in his scrambled eggs with mostly good to great results.
Ill ask him about the exchange.

I don't know if he is quite ready to give lessons. I hope he continues to try and make all sorts of things and learn how to be a good teacher.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like the Colin I hear so much about - he loves to cook. Great job! Sounds Yummy!

Damama T said...

Confession time: I have neither poached and egg, nor eaten eggs Benedict. So you both have one up on me! LOL!