Thursday, November 27, 2008

Being Thankful

How do you teach your kids to be thankful? Latley I have been finding that I am thankful for very simple things, things that I have taken for granted for far too long. Now how do I show my children this. Well I could be dramatic and go over this ad nauseum but for now how about I do what another friend does occasionally that I find ever so delightful to read, she shares on occasion what she is thankful for.

~Having my grandparents still around to make the holiday feast and wonderful memories for my children and I to remember for years to come.
~Getting a very special call yesterday that brought me to tears at the generosity of others, thank you so much Susie
~Having a friend that truly understands so very much about what I am going through and being able to talk with her
~Having made my own pajama's (although the drawstring still needs to be redone) and soon to follow a purse
~Being blessed to enjoy my children by having them home with me
There are so many more but this is good and I love the simplicity of it. I used to be thankful for the biggies that well most are but I am learning alot of little things can be such a blessing in your life. I hope your holidays are wonderful .


Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays dear friend!

I'm thankful to be able to stay home with my children.

I'm thankful we are healthy and don't have the flu during this time of year. ;)

I'm thankful for my beautiful grandson

I'm thankful for all the women in my life


I'm thankful for blogs - I just found a pumpkin martini on a blog so now I'm on my way to the liquor store

Damama T said...

I am thankful that my daughter is spendning almost every waking hour at her boyfriend's house. AHHH - peace at last. ;o)

There's a lot of other stuff I'm thankful for, too, but right now, tht's truly on the top of the list. LOL!

Hope your day was filled with family fun and lots of sweet memories.

randi said...

Great list and I love that your PJs are on it! ;)

I am thankful for my family and all of the sweet years God has given us! I look forward to many more too!