Thursday, March 6, 2008

10 More days

Ok so this is not school related but hey, I see lots of wonderful blogs with everyday info in them. I figure I enjoy them so why not?
Dh and I have been married for 13yrs. In 10 days it will be 14 yrs. So I am trying to find a great gift for my guy that has everything. The best present I ever had for him was the yr he was away on a work trip, in pennsylvania I think, and I sent him mini notes. One for every yr that said what I loved about him. It was our 9th anniversary. He was actually surprises, finally got him surprised that was a task in of itself. He enjoyed getting a gift at the hotel.

Anyway I've thought about
-getting his car cleaned and detailed, it could use it
-couples massage (sounds fun)
-B&B, we always talked about it but never did it
-cabin, we did this for several yrs and I would highly reccommend it. It cost the same as a B&B but you have a whole cabin to yourselves. Plus we always got one with a hot tub. they are up in the mountains and very secluded.
-a friend suggested kidnapping him from work, not sure I can do that plus its a sunday
-a friend suggested going back to where we first me or first kissed, cute but I hated high school I sure don't want to go back there, plus arent they closed on sunday's too?

I can't find anything that jumps out at me and says "yup this is it". You know what I mean.
So the HUNT is on.

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