Monday, March 3, 2008

Fractions to percents

We use Saxon Math. Although my kids seem to like it I sometimes get frustrated when I look at a question and I'm like "huh, what do they want". I end up letting them skip that particular question figuring if I havent done it in so long I dont know what they want or how to do it , it must not be that important. Latley it has been changing fractions to percents. This was something I thought they need to know so I am on the hunt for a good manipulative that will help them get this down pat. I bought Pizza to go which is a fraction game. It seems to be working ok but not nearly as good as I would like. The kids like the games and we enjoyed making homemade pizza to go with it too. Overall the game is nice and gets the kids accustomed to fractions. But it doesn't translate it into percents. Perhaps I need to change our math. I've heard great things about Singapore math. Decisioins , decisions.

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